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Hip Hop Jewelry Trends

Trends are constantly changing, especially in today’s digitally connected world. It shouldn’t come as a surprise though since everything under the sun can change in the blink of an eye. What is popular today might be a laughing stock tomorrow.

With that said, hip hop jewelry trends seem to bypass this effect. The changes we see are usually price and design, but the essence of hip hop jewelry hasn’t really changed. Looking back at the history of hip hop jewelry tells us a lot about why this trend continues to remain a constant.

Gold chains have always been used as a symbol of wealth. It expresses success and is a way to stand out in a crowd.

The trends that follow hip hop have more to do with artists themselves than the jewelry. Many people simply emulate their favorite artist. While artists have gotten more creative in their use of jewelry, the basics have remained the same.

The Chain

Bulky chains have always been a staple of the hip hop industry. Can you even think of a hip hop artist that doesn’t have a large gold chain around their neck? However, they are getting more creative with these chains.

There are a number of different sizes and lengths to choose from so each artist will have slightly different bling. Some designs are worn over the shirt to showcase customized pendants.


It seems like almost everyone in the hip hop industry wears earrings. They are one of the most popular forms of jewelry in the hip hop world. There are a lot of styles to choose from, such as iced stubs and hoops. Furthermore, there are earrings that can be worn by men and women.

Hip hop artists are known to change styles from day-to-day. As a result, earring trends are constantly changing from one day to the next.


Pendants have become so engrained into the hip hop industry that they are an essential part of an artist’s personal brand. Look in your favorite artist’s online shop to see what I mean. They are sure to have their pendants on sale.

Pendants range from animal motifs to religious symbols. Their design will work with almost any chain.


Bracelets are a bit of a new hip hop trend. They did not play a prominent role early on in the hip hop industry. But today, we’re seeing bracelets become a huge staple of hip hop artists. While they are much more subtle than chains, they are a great addition to most outfits. They add a small dash of swagger and drip.

Men’s jewelry isn’t going to fade into the night like more conservative individuals tend to wish. Hip hop jewelry trends will continue to push this industry forward. For those looking to showcase bling from your favorite artists, check out our online shop to learn exactly what it is they’re wearing. We carry a wide range of similar items at a much more affordable price.

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