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Can you Wear Gold in the Shower?

Gold is surprisingly unreactive to elements so it doesn’t rust over time, explaining its value. The problem is that most jewelry isn’t crafted from pure gold. The harder alloys that are mixed into its design are susceptible to certain elements. So exposing it to water will cause it to rust.

As a result, the karat count of the jewelry directly affects its resistance to water so it’s best to look at each type of jewelry in detail. 

Wearing 10K Gold in the Shower

Since 10K gold jewelry has a higher concentration of alloys that are not gold, then it’s going to be susceptible to water. Chances are that showering with it will damage the jewelry in the long term. So wearing 10K gold jewelry in the shower should be avoided.

If you do happen to get it wet, then be sure to dry it off immediately.

Wearing 14K Gold in the Shower

14K gold jewelry only has about half the chances of rusting than 10K gold so it’s okay to wear it in the shower as long as you dry it afterwards. However, you have to keep it away from shower chemicals found in certain soaps. They will tarnish your jewelry.

Also avoid scrubbing it with rough materials as that can also damage it.

Wearing 18K Gold in the Shower

18K gold jewelry is highly resistant to water so you can wear it in the shower without fear of it rusting. Just don’t bathe while wearing it. Also you need to dry it thoroughly when finished showering.

The only issue is that soaps can tarnish it if left in contact for too long so rinse quickly after applying soap.

With that said, a high resistance doesn’t mean that the jewelry will never rust. It just means that it takes longer so it’s best to avoid showers while wearing jewelry whenever possible.

Wearing a Gold Necklace or Chain in the Shower

The same rules stated throughout this post still apply. 10K gold chains will rust quickly when exposed to water while 18K gold chains are highly resistant. Gold jewelry can be restored through buffing and polishing, but it’s still best to limit exposure of lower karat jewelry to water.

Also keep in mind that a necklace or chain will be exposed to more water since it’s around your neck.

Tips for Showering with Gold Jewelry

  • Always dry it immediately after showering to lessen exposure to water.
  • Store jewelry in airtight containers. Rust requires air to form.
  • Never bathe with gold jewelry (regardless of the karat rating).

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, you should avoid showering with jewelry when possible but sometimes that’s not as easy as it sounds. So the proper care will ensure that your jewelry retains its glamorous shine.

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